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Our Community Programs

The Gold Coast Horse Riding Association is a not for profit community based organisation established to promote horsemandship as a means of healing and personal development. It's mission is to support families and clients with limited means to access equestrian sports and horsemanship programs and to foster increased engagement with a broader community of horse lovers.

Respect  . Trust  .  Relationship  .  Safety  .  Community



By making a one off donation to our Ride for Life Program, you can and help us bring the healing powers of horses to people with diverse needs.  Funds donated to this pool are allocated directly to our not for profit community group to run community awareness raising, open days and horsemanship programs to a range of people with diverse needs and abilities.

All donations are tax deductible and a receipt will be provided for taxation purposes.


Donation Link coming soon...


Corporate and business sponsors are invited to "Sponsor a Pony" through the not for profit community group which enables us to lease horses and ponies for use in our Ride for Life and horsemanship programs.


Corporate and Business Pony Sponsors will receive:

  • Tax deductable receipt of donation

  • Printed and framed certificate of sponsorship for your office

  • Printed and framed photograph of a company representative with their sponsored pony (or just of the pony if you are not local)

  • Logo representation on the GCEC web page, newsletter and fortnightly shout-outs with link and tag on social media

  • Biannual update on your sponsored pony's health and well being as well as reports on how many Ride for Life candidates have benefited from your pony's healing powers.


Sponsoring a pony can help as many as 50 young people access horsemanship programs each year. 


All donations are tax deductible and a receipt will be provided for taxation purposes. 


Donation Link coming soon...




You can donate the cost of a single riding lesson to our Pay it Forward registry and our not for profit community group will purchase a riding lesson for one of the worthy students/clients on our Ride for Life waiting list. 

We will let you know when we have allocated your donated funds so you know how and when your donation was put to use.  

Not only does Paying it Forward feel great, but it also broadens our riding family, increases diversity in our community and introduces children and adults in need of a helping hand to the healing powers of our beautiful horses and ponies.


All donations are tax deductible and a receipt will be provided for taxation purposes.


Pay it Forward Link coming soon...


It is a very good idea to wear long pants and boots, if you have them, every time you are onsite at GCEC. Even if you are not riding closed in shoes are a great idea. If you don't have boots, sneakers or other similar closed shoes will suffice. Sanitised helmets will be provided by the school if you are riding.


Plan to arrive 15 mins earlier than your scheduled appointment or lesson.

Please note that bookings are non-refundable, no cancellations due to bad weather as we have an undercover arena. 

Get in touch

Our Business Hours


Tuesday - Friday 7:00am - 12.30pm / 2:30pm - 6:00pm

Saturday 7:00am - 1.30am


Send text messages to: 0499 099 901

Send emails to: 

Your inquiries are important to us. As our site team and coaches are typically hard at work during business hours and cell phones are not permitted in the equestrian areas of the centre we can't always take your call.  To ensure your inquiry doesn't get missed, we prefer you contact us by text message or email rather than phone call as we aren't always able to receive voice calls.  Better still, use our online booking service to secure your spot.

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